Why You Need Fat Burning Workouts

Publié le par dietsolutionprogram

If you've been reading fitness magazines for any amount of time or been in the fitness and exercise industry you know the old debate over calorie burning and fat burning. Which is better? While burning calories during workouts is great, performing exercises that stimulate fat burn long after your workout are king to reaching your goals.

You may have been this person or seen them at the gym dominating the treadmill at a snail's pace for hours only to get nowhere with results. This calorie burning exerciser loses. It happens all too often to good people who have great intentions. I'm here to open your eyes to the key to your fat loss success.

These workouts incorporate multi-joint movements mostly using our larger muscle groups at high intensities for short periods of time. The stimulus that fat burning workouts place on the body ignite fat up to 24 hours after the workout is completed.

Using short burst, high intensity exercises often referred to as intervals not only incinerates fat but allows you to maintain muscle while losing your unwanted excess pounds of flab. Fat burning workouts can use resistance movements, interval sprints, body weight exercises to name a few.

An example of a solid workout would be:

Body weight lunges immediately followed by a chest press then a short period of rest and repeat. Taxing muscles in brief periods will have you melting fat all day long. One of the most effective flab melting workouts includes the burpee. You can perform this exercise for a 30 second period followed by a 20 second rest, repeating for 5 rounds. Though intense, a workout like this yields supreme results.

The occurrence of flab melt long after the workout is over is called EPOC or Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption. You see, during the high intensity exercise your body goes into what can be termed oxygen debt. During recovery your body is using increased amounts of oxygen to restore normal levels. This results in the meting of your unwanted body fat.

When scheduling your workout, always be sure to give yourself at least a day in between to fully recover so you can go hard the next workout. By giving these fat burning workouts a try, you will notice results significantly quicker as opposed to your old boring calorie burning workout.

Be sure to visit here today to gain extensive knowledge to get you to your fat loss goals.It is always advised to speak to your doctor before performing a new workout routine, especially if you have previous medical conditions.

Publié dans Fitness & Exercises

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